Forza FilmSpeed commercial

Zoetrope with Zoom: Clever Forza Motorsport 5 Commercial is a Grand Optical Illusion [Video]

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Civilization has been working on perfecting the act of fooling the human eye (and, in turn, the human brain) into thinking that still pictures are actually moving pictures for a long time. How long, exactly? Well, Chinese inventorTing Huancreated the earliest knownzoetrope(a drum-shaped gizmo with slits in the sides and a sequence of pictures each slightly different from the one adjacent to it) in about 180 A.D. We believe the technical term for that is a long-ass time ago.

So long ago that we’re doubtful Mr. Ting, even in his wildest/weirdest dreams, could not have imagined that someday, a couple of men – namely filmmaker/racing driverJeff Zwartand TV host/stunt driverTanner Foust– would, in a faraway land called the United States of America, use a self-propelled chariot called aMcLaren 12Cand a moment-in-time capturing device called adigital camerato create a giant zoetrope to promote an upcoming interactive moving picture calledForza Motorsport 5. And even if hedidconceive of all this taking place more than 1,800 years in the future, we’re highly skeptical he would have also predicted they would have created moving pictures documentinghowthese guys used saidMcLaren12C and said digital camera to create said giant zoetrope (which you can watch here,here and here).After all, not even Nostradamus wasthatgood…

Source: YouTube