The Top 25 Best Supercars Ever
Over the years we’ve featured untold hundreds of supercars and exotics on this site, while there are countless others that have yet to make an appearance. Each such automobile was or currently is its maker’s idea of the highest state of vehicular enlightenment. Alas, as is the case with humans *cough*2016 U.S. presidential race*cough*, some of these cars are more enlightened than others. The following 25 dream rides are the ones we feel have done the most to alter the trajectory of motoring history, advance the state of the supercar art, and/or be sexy as hell. And before anybody lobs an all-caps grenade in our general direction for omitting the likes of the Cadillac Cien or the Bentley Hunaudieres, know that we’ve limited our selections to production (or at least production intent) street legal machinery.