The first automobile race, as the old yarn claims, occurred shortly after the second automobile was built. While the accuracy of this anecdote is, to put it gently, questionable, it wouldn’t at all be a reach to assume the first race took place on a public road. It would take a few years before someone would suggest racing cars on dirt ovals designed for horses, and the first racecourse designed specifically for motorcars – England’s Brooklands circuit – wasn’t constructed until 1907, a full 21 years after Karl Benz received a patent for his self-propelled tricycle that was steered with a tiller from the comfort of a park bench.
But even after the invention of permanent circuits, street racing has endured; sadly, there are far fewer legal street races (with roads closed to traffic and temporary barriers set up) staged than there are illegal ones. While we here at Sub5Zero unequivocally do not endorse illegal street racing (mainly because our legal department – which is comprised of a magic 8-ball and a law school textbook written around the time Ralph Nader started potty training – says we shouldn’t), we realize we can’t reach out of your monitor or phone and bitchslap you for deciding to do it anyway. If you truly insist on endangering the safety of yourselves and others and risking getting your ass thrown in the pokey (You do know why they call it that, right?), at least do so in something that has a decent chance of winning. Something like one of these fine rides.
my mom has the mustang lx 5.0 exact color and everything.
Thank you^
What the hell? Where are the Supras? The Z family? The old school 911 turbos (964, 993) and the old mustangs and classic Camaros?
A Dodge Caravan Turbo? Seriously! A stock CIVIC can do better than that! I came onto this post expecting some real machines like a powerful big block Chev or the high-revving rotary engine. What is this? Soccer moms and billionaires? I don’t know a single person who would refuse the iconic AE-86 and choose a van instead, no matter what condition they’re in.
Bashing supras… I think @[100003928601801:2048:Sandeep] had better get in here lol.
Pete, it’s not that I disrespect the van. I’m saying that there are such better options out there!! The “TOP 15” sure as hell do not include a van. The FD or Skylines or 300Zs are a million times better in every way. Low center of gravity, built for performance, and have a name for themselves.
Not that the name matters, but a car gets it name from its reputation, and I don’t see too many caravans pushing 1800+whp. I see them pushing plastic wagons with kids and baseball bats.
Soo I guess your running 10’s with your civic LOL
stupid as hell
[…] only does he not acknowledge how close he is, he also continues to do it down the street but let’s face it, he’s probably done it one thousand times […]
Fantastic list
lol some of these cars aren’t even for street racing bro o-o.
The Subaru Outback 3.0R is a much better sleeper than the V70R Automatic. God thing you mentioned the 6 speed which is not bad but very rare, the common Auto V70R is incredibly laggy.
Not real street racing cars
This can’t be real
I DIDN’T EVEN SEE THE VAN XD this is a joke right ? or like am I seeing things is somebody really this stupid ?
i loved that dodge hell car but what about some classics like a gt-40 other than that great car selectuon have a greatbday
No mention of Suburu STI and Kia Stinger?