Roadkill Jeep street rod

Toledo Dangerous: Roadkill’s Freiburger and Finnegan Tempt Fate in a Hot Rod Jeep [Video]

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One of the hottest shows onMotorTrend’s YouTube channel isRoadkill. Correction: One of the hottest automotive shows on all of YouTube isRoadkill. Every episode is an unscripted, low-budget buddy comedy/road movie, withHot RodeditorsDavid FreibugerandMike Finneganserving as the latter-day, mechanically-inclined Bob Hope and Bing Crosby. You don’t have to loveAmerican V8s– or even cars period – to enjoy their shenanigans.

Case-in-point: This newest episode, which chronicles the guys’ most ambitious/harebrained quest yet. It involves driving a genuineWorld War II era military Jeepthat a previous owner had turned into aChevy-powered, airbag-suspended street rod fromHot Rod’s suburban L.A. H.Q. to a bar out in the desert near Parker, Arizona. Oh, and most of theJeep’s vital systems – i.e. brakes, suspension, transmission, etc. – are suspect at best. How can thatnotlead to great television, er, internet?

Source: YouTube