[vimeo width=”960″ height=”540″]http://vimeo.com/64874022[/vimeo]
When you think of iconicJapanese classic cars, there are quite a few obvious choices. The earlyDatsun 510andZ cars, theToyota 2000GTand earlyCelica, and theMazda RX-3all spring readily to mind. But what about theB110 Nissan Sunny, which was known here in America as theDatsun1200?
Teruhisa Inouedoesn’t have to ask about the B110; instead, he uses his customized Sunny Coupe to blow the collective mind of theJapanesepopulace. Granted, the super-low ride height brings about all kinds of driving headaches, and the tiny1.2L inline-fourunder the hood is hardly the stuff of petrolhead fantasy. But seen from the outside, whether in motion or standing still, neither of those warts really matter, do they?
Source: Vimeo