Search Results for: viper

UPDATED: The Top 15 Cars for Street Racing

The first automobile race, as the old yarn claims, occurred shortly after the second automobile was built. While the accuracy of this anecdote is, to put it gently, questionable, it wouldn’t at all be a...

The Top 10 Hot Rod Pickup Trucks

Pickup trucks, by design, are beasts of burden. They usually give up things like a cushy ride, fuel economy that won’t give a Greenpeace member facial tics and handling that doesn’t resemble that of a...

The Top Ten Most Expensive Cars to Insure

Car insurance rates can be ridiculously expensive for those of us with run-of-the-mill daily drivers. But when you start talking about high-performance cars and SUVs, the premiums skyrocket for obvious reasons. The following sports cars and...

The Top 25 Worst Concept Car Atrocities

Ever since the first concept car – the Buick Y-Job of 1938 – rolled into public view, these earthbound trial balloons floated by automakers have become a staple at the world’s major motor shows and...

Top 25 Strangest, Quirkiest & Dumbest Motoring Graphics

The art of covering car exteriors has come a long way since the automobile’s infancy. Hand-brushing has given way to electrostatic-charge-assisted spraying, and highly-toxic, oil-based lacquers have given way to less-dangerous and richer-looking (but hardly...

SEMA Show 2010: The Top 25 Cars and Trucks

As far as the automotive aftermarket is concerned, the annual SEMA (Speciality Equipment Marketing Association, for the acronym averse) Show in Las Vegas is bigger than every holy day from every religion mashed together, sprinkled...