Revenge of the Fifth: Forza Motorsport 5 Announcement Trailer Fires Volleys GT6’s Way [Video]
Last week,Sonyand one of itsvideo gamedeveloper subsidiaries,Polyphony Digital, pulled the wraps offGran Turismo 6. And while it looks mighty, mighty pretty (as pretty much every installment in theGran Turismoseries has for its era), and it’s scheduled for a release this holiday season (though we’ll believe that when we’re softly caressing the case in our hands with the lights turned down low and some Kenny G on the stereo; don’t judge us…), it’s still going to be aPlaystation 3release. Granted, that’s good for us because we won’t have to maul our bank account for aPlaystation 4, but being subject to the limitations of current-gen consoles might not be the hot ticket.
Said ticket looks even colder in light of the news thatMicrosoftand its Polyphony Digital analogue,Turn 10 Studios, is releasingForza Motorsport 5on the newXbox One(Bass-ackwards video game console naming chronology for the win?). And while this first teaser trailer doesn’t reveal much in terms of cars or tracks (Just theMcLaren F1andP1on a fictional street circuit in Prague.), it looks good. Like banging-on-live-action’s-door good. And the vocal stylings of the highly-excitableJohn Hindhaughare always a fine accompaniment to any motorsports action. Oh yes,E3 2013is gonna be off the bleeping chain forracing gamebuffs.
Source: YouTube