Residences by Armani/Casa Miami Penthouse is a Sublime Sky Palace

Luxurious penthouses atop residential skyscrapers are hardly a rarity in Miami, but ones co-designed by one of the biggest names in fashion and one of the biggest names in architecture? Those are rarer than hen’s teeth and snake claws, fam. So you can bet the tippy-top suite at the new Residences by Armani/Casa (as in Giorgio Armani and César Pelli) has got the attention of a whole lot of people, and justifiably so.

Occupying 5,820 square feet of the tower’s 56th floor, the penthouse features a rooftop terrace, wraparound balcony, and its own private pool. The $17 million asking price for this pad will also get you access to the building’s fine dining restaurant, cigar room, wine cellar, movie theater and 300-foot long stretch of private beach, plus two first class round-trip plane tickets to Milan, where you’ll enjoy a two-night stay at the Armani Hotel Milano, dinner, drinks, a personal shopper and a private after-hours tour of Armani’s flagship store. Go ahead and try to top that, other penthouses in Miami…

Source: Residences by Armani/Casa