Martini Mustang T-5R

Plausible Desirability: Answering the “What Ifs” with Steve Strope and the Martini Mustang [Video]

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When it comes to building custom versions ofclassicmuscle carsandhot rods, there aren’t really any rules, per se. But that doesn’t stop builders of such artful reimaginings of American classics from setting certain guidelines for their projects. It could be a set of performance targets, or maybe not using any drivetrain, suspension or any other major components from rival manufacturers (no matter how much easier, more reliable and/or cheaper mixing-and-matching would be).

Or, in the case ofSteve Strope(the principal behindPure Vision, one of the most successful and respected shops in the country), you tend to gravitate toward concepts or themes thatcouldhave been implemented back in the day but, for whatever reason or reasons, weren’t. Exhibit A: TheMartini RacingthemedFord Mustangpowered byFord’sDOHC Indy car V8of the same era seen here. It’s like historical fiction formuscle carfans, an idea that, along with the sound of that engine (which poweredJim Clark,A.J. FoytandAl UnsertoIndianapolis 500victories), is music to our ears.

Source: YouTube