Petula Clark on Ed Sullivan 1966

Petula Clark Supports the Sports Car Building Home Team [Video]

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Although most people are familiar with the male acts of popular music’s “British Invasion” of the 1960s (e.gThe Beatles,The Rolling Stones,The Dave Clark Five,The Who,The Animals), not very many people – even some who were around then – can name the female British invaders right away. And that’s too bad, because there were some truly talented lasses on the scene in those days:Dusty Springfield,Lulu,Marianne FaithfullandPetula Clarkall achieved some degree of notoriety on this side of the Atlantic.

Ms. Clark in particular found success on these shores, racking up many appearances onthego-to TV show for entertainers in those days,The Ed Sullivan Show. However, it is her appearance on the April 17, 1966 episode of Mr. Sullivan’sreally big shewthat catches our attention. Specifically, that matched set of red convertibles from Pet’s homeland: AnAustin-Healey 3000, aJaguar XK-E Series I, and anAston Martin DB5. Did Britain’sBoard of Trade(as it was known back then) have a hand in the automotive casting for this performance? Probably not, but then again,Aston Martinsweren’t exactly dime-a-dozen in 1960s Manhattan. Also, we aren’t sure what’s more impressive: The fact that theJagwas able to move under its own power on cue, or thatPetulais still performing and still looks great today at the age of 80!

Source: YouTube