‘My Dad Is a Bro’ Just Released! Sound Advice From Cinema’s Greatest Bro Dads: The Supercut [VIDEO]

My Dad is a Bro

Our friends over at Brobible.com have just released their first ever book, “My Dad Is a Bro“, now available at Amazon. The paperback follows in the footsteps of the microblog of the same name that celebrates the father figure in every young man’s life. Your mother may have let you get behind the wheel to learn how to drive but it was your father that showed you the wonders of the e-brake as well as how to heel-toe and double clutch. And for that, we stand in solidarity and salute BroBible’s literary efforts. 

In addition, to kick things off in style, Brobible tagged noted film editor Oliver Noble to create a fantastic video of classic advice from movie dads throughout cinematic history. From Don Vito Corleone, Darth Vader and Rocky to Clark Grisworld, Royal Tanenbaum and Reese Bobby. Check out the epic super cut after the jump and grab a copy of the book to live retro style vicariously. 



He teaches you how to swing a baseball bat, grill a steak, and master a stick shift. Dad helps you laugh off a breakup, guides you on big decisions, and doesn’t tell your Mom when he catches you hooking up with a girl—yet still warns you to “wrap it up” because he’s “not ready to be a grandfather.” The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree . . . when it comes to being a Bro.

Loaded with hundreds of hilarious, never-before-seen photos and based on the wildly popular photo blog from the editors of BroBible.com, the ultimate destination for Bros, MY DAD IS A BRO captures the epic Bro hijinks and conquests of Dads everywhere.


Whether he’s puffing on a cigar, executing a keg stand, fishing for a trophy, posing with cheerleaders, or running the table in beer pong—celebrate the old man at his Bro-est.

Nothing says father-son bonding like the time-honored tradition of shot-gunning a fresh brew.

Source: BroBible.com

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