Living History: Rare Fiat 2300 S Coupe Recalls Simpler Times [Video]
In a world such as ours that’s overflowing with stresses and stimuli, sometimes it’s good to just escape them, if only for a little while. To do this, lots of people go to spas and resorts; still others go camping, ensconcing themselves in Mother Nature’s implant-free bosom. But the reality is, not all of us like the feeling of a stranger running his digits up and down our back while we’re clothed in just a towel, or the sight of a bear with a serious buffalo wings jones rummaging through the cooler you thought you had securely suspended from a high tree limb.
Fortunately, for folks like us, there arevintage cars. The fact that they’re more mechanical than electronic, and have the look and feel of something that was made with pride rather than as a means of turning a profit makes classic cars so…liberating. Milan residentPierantonio Micciarellienjoys this liberation on a routine basis with his charmingGhia-designedFiat 2300 S Coupe. And he enjoys it despite the fact that life in present-day Italy makes enjoying an oldFiat(or any other brand of car) a rather expensive proposition.
Source: YouTube