As part of the Rivalry Nights Tour, there are 12 lovely ladies who travel with the show and partipate at each event helping to keep the crowd hype. This year, the models include Summer Posey, Anne Rivera, Nicole Webb, Shana Prevette, Erin McKinnon, Brandi Reed, Jessica Barton, Jaycelle Propst, Aspen Widowson, Anna Burns, Sarah Coggin and Nicki Kretchmer. Take a look at the Rivalry Girls in action at HIN Rivalry Nights Columbus after the jump.
Stay tuned for more images from HIN Rivalry Nights Columbus 2009:
2009 HIN Columbus Cars
2009 HIN Columbus Girls
The girls are very nice and sexy. Good job!
How lucky I am to have known someone who was so hard to say goodbye to
Smile is complete wn begins wt lips reflects in eyz n ends on face KEEP SMILING
can be chat
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