
Free ‘Vinny’ App Exposes What The Dealer Paid For a Car


We’ve all been there. Standing next to a used car that we really want. Then we realize that also standing between us and our new (used) automobile, is a salesman and a price written in soap on the window. The number seems a little high, but what can we do? The salesman holds all the cards. If we want to drive off the lot in that automobile then we’ll pay the amount he asks, but wouldn’t it be great if there were a way to instantly know for sure what a car is really worth?

Well, say hello to “Vinny.” No, Vinny isn’t some intimidatingly large mafia enforcer, it’s actually a new iPhone app that was designed to help buyers who find themselves in similar situations to the one described above. Basically, Vinny is knowledge. Knowledge to level the playing field. Knowledge to use in bargaining. Knowledge to help you get the car you want at a fair price.


See, Vinny is a barcode scanner connected to an online car database, with some helpful features like instantly showing you the retail price of the car on the major automobile sales sites, vehicle history report, and soon, the ability to see the cost it would be to insure the car in question (all in one easy to use app!). You may actually feel like you have a mafia enforcer by your side.


Once you scan whatever particular car is tickling your fancy, you are presented with “Vinny’s Price.” This number is an incredibly close approximate to the wholesale price for the make, model, and year of the automobile in question. The data is compiled from used car dealers’ actual transactions all across America. Vinny’s Price, is adjusted for specific details such as condition and mileage, so that you can get an accurate estimate of the wholesale price.

And although savvy shoppers who do their homework might recognize that it is possible to get some of this information from other online sources, Vinny’s real power lies in finding the wholesale price of the car as well as how quickly it is able to show you additional information. Rather than force you to spend hours on end researching individual cars and recording information as you find it, Vinny does all the legwork for you, and it does it in seconds. Just scan the barcode or type the VIN manually. Simple.


So if you’ve ever felt at a disadvantage in buying or trading in a used car, take heart.

A quick free download and you’ll have all the tools you need to get an honest price on the automobile that you want. Future additions to the app will also allow you to use it to find the best auto insurance for you needs, and an Android compatible version is currently in the works.

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