
BMW Goes on a Morning TV Nostalgia Trip with i3 Super Bowl Ad [w/ Videos]


Way back in the early 1990s, when we were eating breakfast on school mornings, our mom often had NBC’s Today show on the tiny CRT television in the kitchen. And even though they were three hours away and on three-hour-old videotape (unless there was news so breaking it demanded a live West Coast feed), hosts Katie Couric and Bryant Gumbel seemed like our regular a.m. dining companions.


This is not to say, however, that they were always on the ball; back in 1994, the dynamic duo struggled to wrap its mind around some newfangled things called the internet and email. Someone in BMW USA’s marketing division must have remembered that piece of video (we certainly didn’t), because they’re using it – and Couric and Gumbel themselves – the pitch the i3 in the company’s Super Bowl ad for this coming Sunday. And while an electric BMW is hardly as transformative as the World Wide Web, the entry-level i model is at least futuristic in its appearance and construction, something that even hyper-photogenic TV anchors can grasp.

Source: BMW