Becks and Bikes: David Beckham and Mates Go for a Ride in Belstaff Promo [Video]
Not to get all fashion police on you (How could we, when our go-to uniform is jeans-and-T-shirt?), but when you’re riding amotorcycle, you want to be wearing gear that kind of goes with the type and era ofmotorcycleyou’re riding. Example: You wouldn’t wear a modern, vivaciously-huedAlpinestarsorDaineseracing suit when taking a weekend cruise on aHarley-Davidson soft tail, would you? Or straddle aSuzuki Hayabusain jeans, a leather vest and a bandana on your head (unless you were hoping to earn the title “Squid of the Year”)? Of course not, and of course not!
So what, then, would suitablecafé-racer-riding attire be? Well, if this promo video from high-end British clothierBelstaffis any indication, the answer is, well,Belstaff. Of course, not all of us have company spokesmodelDavid Beckham’s wardrobe budget (or, for that matter, his physique), but it doesn’t cost anything to dream, dagnabbit.
Source: YouTube