Along Came a Spyder: Jay Leno Tests the Porsche 918 Hybrid Supercar [Video]
Because he is probably the most prominent car nut in the country (if not the world),Jay Lenois frequently presented with automotive opportunities that are unimaginable to most of us. Sometimes it’s serving as a judge at a concours d’elegance. Sometimes it’s getting to work with globally renowned manufacturers and tuners on a project car destined to become a part of his immense collection. And sometimes, it’s getting first crack at test driving a new car before almost anyone else (including the overwhelming majority of us car journalists) outside the manufacturer does.
Such was the case during the recentMonterey Car Week, wherePorschewas showing off the finalized (or nearly-finalized) production specification918 Spyder plug-in hybrid supercar. Not only wasJayable to interview the guy in charge of the project,Frank Walliser, but he was also takePorsche’s new flagship for a spirited putt-putt on public roads. By the end of the video, it’s safe to assume that the snow-scalped talk show host will be parking a 918 Spyder next to hisCarrera GTin the not-too-distant future.
Source: YouTube