A Current Event: Jay Leno Samples the Cadillac ELR
Having seen the productionCadillac ELRin natural daylight at a recent car event, we can honestly say that it looks good. No, make that unabashedly, staggeringly sexy. It looks like an escapee from the set of a sci-fi movie that takes place about 50 years from now. And because this chiseledCadillacis, like theChevrolet Voltwith which it shares a sizable chunk of its anatomy, aplug-in hybrid(or asGMlikes to call it, anEREV, short for extended-range electric vehicle), its powertrain wouldn’t seem completely out of place in 2063.
Cadillac recently brought an ELR (as well as its chief engineer and the head of the studio that designed it) toJay Leno’s garage. And whileJayloves horsepower as much as any of us, he also loves efficiency; in fact, he already owns a Volt. Might he replace hisChevyhybridwith an ELR? Maybe, maybe not, but if we were in his shoes/and or denim ensemble, we absolutely would, and not just because we think it’s better looking. Think about it: The Volt might get you tail at Whole Foods; the ELR has the potential to get you taileverywhere.
Source: YouTube