
5 Essential Tools of the Trade for Racing Teams

Racing teams have their work cut out for them, and it can seem intimidating to newcomers. They have to work quickly to squeeze every possible advantage out of the machines they build and customise, so naturally they have a few signature tools they use. Some of these are obvious—no one needs to be told racing crews use standard garage equipment like jacks and engine hoists, and we’ve all seen impact wrenches used to tighten nuts on TV—but there are a few more obscure pieces of kit that see use on the racing scene and we’re here to highlight them.


If you’re really in a jam you can always count on the old engineer’s fall back: duct tape. If something comes loose in the middle of a race this can be the best option in the pit, and for jobs where regular tape just won’t cut it—large sections of body, for example—there’s BearBond, a heavy duty adhesive that comes in large sheets that stay stuck.


With all the heavy parts and equipment they have to move around their garages, sometimes its not possible to have a specialised means of transport for everything, so a good supply of general-purpose dollies to wheel things around on is a must.

Bearing/Push Pullers

There are plenty of gears, bearings, and pulleys tucked away in awkward places, and racing teams are always making modifications. That’s why they need tools to let them access, remove and replace these parts. If not for these handy little contraptions they’d have to disassemble large portions of the car to get anything done.

Extension Poles

It’s amazing how much utility you can get out of what is, let’s face it, just a long wooden stick. Although it probably has its uses around the garage, this is primarily a pit tool, allowing work that doesn’t require as much precision to be done from outside the pit itself to prevent overcrowding and let everything run more smoothly.


A combination toolbox, generator, and monitoring station, the crew uses satellite information to monitor the race and track conditions, as well as gathering data and advising drivers. These rigs don’t get much of a spotlight but they’re an essential tool for any racing team.