It takes a certain type of man to pimp out a cheap car and it’s usually a man with limited funds having absolutely no luck with the ladies. Rather than saving up to buy a decent car, these dudes actually waste a bunch of moneymakingtheir existing crappy car look even crappier and it makes their problems with the ladies even worse. Maybe one day these poor schleprocks will realize that a woman doesn’t care about the size of your spoiler, but I doubt it. Occasionally thrown into the mix are creative type folks that don’t take themselves or their cars too seriously and want to have a bit of fun. Whatever the case may be, here are 25 of the worst pimped-out rides of all time.
The Bat Crap Mobile
Dora The Ford Explorer
Turtle Power
Camry Power
Little Big Foot
Mr. Pac Man
The Ultimate Jesus Driving Machine
Spoiler Supreme
McDonald’s Mac Daddy
Matchbox General Lee
Pikachu Pimpage
Fury Formula One
Hello Kitty Hummer
The George Jetson
Vomit Paint
Satan’s Cruiser
The Cardboard Warrior
Camo Limo
The Nebulous
Speaker City
Major Wood
Sea Story
World’s Tallest Spoiler
Bend Over Range Rover